Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Publisher Quote

Okay, so here's an estimate from one printer in Milwaukee:

For 500 copies of a 40 page magazine (which is ten 11 x 17" sheets of paper)

1-color - $1500
2-color - $2000
3-color - $2500
4-color - $3000

This is on white copy paper, but he said different types of paper did not make much of a difference. 

If we bind our own magazine, that takes off $300.  They may give $200 for ad space.  If we get paper donated, that takes off $200-$300.  If we only print 250 copies, that takes 15% off the price of whatever we choose.  

This is not set in stone, just a ballpark figure. We may have connections with the UWM Press, but we'll see how that works.